Start-up & Commisioning Services
With our full service electrical, communications, instrumentation and control systems capabilities we offer a discount for our startup and commissioning services when CE&I constructs the project. We also do startup, commissioning and third party testing on systems constructed by others. Our expertise includes:
- Testing electrical systems
- Ground continuity checks
- High pot testing on cables for high voltage
- Infrared Thermographics for initial startup and predictive maintenance
- Load studies and power quality analysis
- SIS validation prior to startup
- Fully documented truth table and cause and effect diagram
- Tested from start to finish by ISA standards that are NIST traceable
- We provide complete validation services and offer solutions if validation fails
CE&I start-up & commissioning crews are qualified technicians with a maintenance background. Our goal in commissioning is to try and find any omissions or errors that may have been overlooked during the construction phase. This is accomplished via P&ID walk downs. The P&ID review will address fundamental engineering and operations validation as well as maintenance issues. Instrument location and serviceability will be reviewed and any potential reliability improvements will be discussed. Due to Coates E & I’s extensive experience we are able to provide commissioning solutions rather than just point out deficiencies. We provide solutions and alternatives to the engineers. This cuts down on total commissioning timeframe and project lifecycle.
Top of PageCE&I provides a full documentation package for startup and commissioning. When doing retrofits without existing documentation we can reverse engineer. CE&I documentation is driven by tag number rather than print number. P&ID's, loop diagrams, data sheets, installation details, conduit schedule, instrument location drawings, cable schedule and any other drawing can be linked from the Excel version of the Instrument Index. Tag numbers are the significant identifier of all systems and have become the industry standard for instrumentation & control systems. CE&I provides documentation in a simple excel and PDF format which is easy to navigate and saves time during construction, startup and maintenance activities.
Our documentation package includes:
- As found/as left for calibration and configuration
- Instrument index fully documented and linked by tag number including
- Instrument Location Drawings
- P & ID’s
- Conduit Schedules
- Cable Schedules
- Installation Details
- Data sheets
- Loop Test Acceptance Form
- Any Other Required Drawings
- Traceability to NIST
- SIS Validations
- This complete data package aids the customer’s maintenance department by reducing downtime and increasing the reliability of the overall instrumentation and control system. A fully documented system allows for fast trouble shooting, quick replacements, and on-the-fly changes.
- The linked instrument index also integrates our construction progress tracking, by consolidating our tracking & documentation process into one, facilitating a completed construction project to be ready for PSSR’s, start-up & commissioning activities without delay.